

Day 68 - 各和聲琶音下行練...

Day 68 - 各和聲琶音下行練習\ Practicing the descendant of arpeggio scales with different intervals \ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProj

ect\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing\ #scales #kaohsiung #wind #orchestra \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day 67 - 忙裡偷閒\ St...

Day 67 - 忙裡偷閒\ Steal a little leisure from the rush of work\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllin

myrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing\ #scales #kaohsiung #wind #orchestra \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day 66 - warm-up\...

Day 66 - warm-up\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練

習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing\ #scales #kaohsiung #wind #orchestra \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day 65 - 以默想的方式視覺...

Day 65 - 以默想的方式視覺化自己演奏的狀態,跟上理想中的速度並正確按指法\ .\ Visualising in mind of me playing with all the correct fingerings and in tempo.\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\

#100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing\ #scales #kaohsiung #wind #orchestra \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day 64 - 組裝樂器\ 組裝...

Day 64 - 組裝樂器\ 組裝樂器是近乎儀式的一個過程,組裝和拿握樂器的時候手避免沾油、沾水、沾灰塵、沾甜食、沾咖啡、沾剛運動完的汗漬,甚至不能沾到超過三滴雨水!\ .\ 這個人的音樂如何,看他對待樂器的方式多少都能透析一二,若是殘忍地對待它那麼樂器所呈現出來的聲音也很殘忍;若漫不在乎的隨處放置它

,那麼呈現出來的聲音一如它存在的地方一樣漫不經心;若任其風吹雨打,那麼時常破病、感染風寒的它就得花費大筆鈔票保養、打石膏、復健。!\ .\ 人與樂器的關係,是互相的主僕關係、夥伴關係、愛人關係、朋友關係與親情關係。它含著金湯匙出身,不代表你就配得起它或一定非得要擁有它,同樣的也不代表它可以為所欲為的霸佔著你。找到你們之間的對等關係,會比你苦苦追求卻無法甘之如飴來的痛快和實在!\ .\ Taking up our instruments is nearly a ritual process. When assembling and holding the instrument, we need to avoid the oil, water, dust, candy, sugar, cake, coffee, sweat, and even intolerant be touched more than three drops of rain!\ .\ How the music of this person feel like which we could see the way on how he treats his instruments. If he treats it cruel, then the its sound is also very cruel; if he places it everywhere, then the sound it presents is going to be very casual or unmindful, just like it lies down everywhere in any time; if he lets it wind and rain, it gets cold and infected by every kind of disease very easily, then it will spend a lot of bills to cure it, to take a plastic cast, to have a rehabilitation works!\ .\ The relationship between human and instrument is an interrelationship of the master and the servant, of the partnership, of the love relationship, of the friends relationship, and the family relationship!\ .\ It was born with golden spoon, doesn’t mean that you deserve of it or you should have it. But also it doesn’t mean that it could possess you and do whatever it wants to you. Finding the good interrelationship between you and your instrument, it will be much joyful for you than chase it with plenty of pain! \ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing\ #scales #kaohsiung #wind #orchestra \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

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小姐姐的櫃子裡打開一堆堆寶物 突然想起有這個俗稱寶石光的金閃閃露 官方說法是~ 奢華寶石光~妝前潤澤

隔離金露 蘊含真規黃金成分,讓底妝持續散發光澤感~ 上妝前使用,都能展現低調潤澤感受!且長效持妝 我用了再跟大家說是不是真的 #小喵喵事務所 #Makeup #kbeauty #etude #etudehouse #小喵喵 #新祕喵喵 #台北新祕 #妝前潤澤隔離金露 #閃亮亮 #底妝的秘密

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試色進度慢慢der #玩轉色彩時尚指標眼彩盤 #焦糖棕色風衣 #粉嫩絲綢洋裝 #伸展台的豹紋配件

#ETUDEHOUSE #PlayColorPalette #TrenchCoatShowroom #etude #플레이컬러팔레트 #에뛰드 #エチュードハウス #Ombreàpaupières #Eyeshadow #小喵喵 #小喵喵事務所 #新祕喵喵 #隠眼 @eye_style1688

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妳們想看我先試那一盤~~ #玩轉色彩時尚指標眼彩盤 #焦糖棕色風衣 #粉嫩絲綢洋裝 #伸展台的豹紋配

件 #ETUDEHOUSE #PlayColorPalette #TrenchCoatShowroom #etude #플레이컬러팔레트 #에뛰드 #エチュードハウス #Ombreàpaupières #Eyeshadow #小喵喵 #小喵喵事務所 #新祕喵喵

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Etude house 唇釉 RED velvet #lrene #seulgi #wendy #j

oy #yeri 一 4/24-30韓國連線 蝦皮訂購:lovelykoreashop LINE客服:yishih1201 #韓國代購 # #seoul #韓國連線 #韓國美妝 #首爾 #明洞 #弘大 #etudehouse #etudehousemurah #etude # #etudemurah #etudejakarta

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不用整形動刀的微笑唇妝 . 天生嘴角下垂沒有表情的時候會讓人覺得在生氣看起來超兇 . 畫好的口紅用深色

唇膏或是棕色眉筆在嘴角上揚的陰影一點點就好,最後唇峰打高光 . #etudehouse #makeup #lipstick #etudehouse #etude #etudehouselipstick #kbeauty @apieu_cosmetics #apieu唇膏 #minitwomatch @etudehouseofficial @etudehousetaiwan #populzzang @populzzang_mag #唇膏 #微笑唇 #韓國唇膏 #motd #makeup
