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#relax #play #sis #pic #87 #reverse #house #womans

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I'm too pretty to work ##moodoftheday#mindcontrol#c

ontrolfreak #schedule#reverse#allergy# #girlcrush#slayer#swaggie#dopey#fashionaddicted#instaoutfit##goldengoose#sneakerlove #dewl#blackpants#system#oversized#irregular#bluestripedshirt#regent#taipei#꽃처럼# #前胸貼後背#⚡️ 姐準備要瘦成一道閃電 # 這一身搭配竟然被老子嫌棄不端莊⁉️

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#reverse #biking

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逃避,會變成一種習慣; 選擇面對,也會變成一種習慣。 先別急著說不,等一下,勇敢去試試看吧! Eith

er facing or avoiding problems will lead to being our habit. Just being brave to try instead of saying "no". #brave #try #habit #boy #VSCO #face #choice #reverse

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- 每戴必過敏的錶 也不知道自己在執著些什麼 - 另外一半也早就不見了 - 不算壽終正寢 但修好他應該

我也可以被修好吧 - 右上眼皮已經跳了兩天不知道要發生什麼事情了 - #insomnia #watch #crewlife #allergy #fix #fixed #half #future #dedication #countdown #die #blue #blackandwhite #specialist #l4l #liebe #reverse #mercury #universe