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2014.03.08 ✖with my baby sister #the #most #importa

nt #in #my #heart

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My lovely family ❤️ cutest ever #instapic #instagra

m #cute #family #love #the #most #treasure #time #of #the #year

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台灣丹寧潮BRAND x G-SHOCK#reputation#reputationmk#rptn#b


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(已哭)忙碌了一整天,一回家收到親愛的你們寄來的禮物我的天阿好感覺❤️❤️❤️ p.s. 菊花枸杞茶真

的是好感人喲!thank you my lovely friends... That is so so so sweet that you guys send me this... Hmmm... I miss you guys so muchhhh:( I'm the most lucky girl in the world!!!!! Love you and Huggggggggggggg hugggggg(really tight;)) #france #paris #taiwan #taipei #love #lucky #girl #most #intheworld #friends #sis #best #gift #sweet #loveit #hug #muah #kiss #xmas #lol #nice #surprise @54abbykung @vivian760113

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2013秋冬歐美街拍型男! #the#man#i#love#the#most#dad