
AAccording to Sta...

AAccording to StartupBlink (startup ecosystem researching firm)Taiwan is currently ranked in the top 30 in Startup Ecosystem Rankings 2020, Worldwide!

??Team InnoVEX is very porud to be a part of it! ? Full report: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgx3zt\ #tech #technology #taiwan #business #covid

AMD purchased Xil...

AMD purchased Xilinx, Inc., their rival chipmaker for $35 billion! Many decisions have been made by AMD these years, will they target another big name

- Intel? Check?VIA:https://tinyurl.com/y379jt5w\ #business #technology #tech #news #usa

TSMC's IC product...

TSMC's IC production has really made huge progress these days.? From 7nm to 3nm, the process is faster than expected. No matter you're in technology-re

lated industries or running other business, their future developments are worth to follow up? Check full report?VIA: https://tinyurl.com/y4ee83ef\ #technology #tech #business #news #taiwan

The Startup Scene...

The Startup Scene in Taiwan will never be the same, maybe better!✨Check how the startups having new relationships with Silicon Valley in the post-covid

era!?VIA:https://tinyurl.com/y4mx93jf\ #technology #tech #taiwan #business #news

Microsoft Taiwan ...

Microsoft Taiwan Accelerator, always a good innovator for the startups, has already created business opportunities worth NT$530 million! ?They just hel

d a demo day recently, check how they worked? https://tinyurl.com/y3l3ywln\ #technology #startup #business #Microsoft

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G'ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ ☀️ 前天22:10下班 搭車22:30到家 昨天22:20下班 搭車23:18到

家 晚上捷運班距不討喜-感覺家很遙遠 今天小小夢想: 八點讓我下班 九點讓我到家 收拾書包吶~ #半夜下班還開心拍照的瘋子 #黃懷萱一起 #後天要出國行李還沒收 #只想把事情做好 #girl #fighting #business

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Relaxing time after working for the whole day!!! #f

ootmassage #china #business #yiwu #relax

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#兩岸企業家峰會 Forum day!! #business #work #forum

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#evaair #vancouver #taipei #b777 #airplane #busines

s #flight

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#台北世界貿易中心 #國際貿易大樓 #台北君悅酒店 #世貿 #展覽 #商務 #建築 #基隆路 #信義區

#TWTC #lnternational #business #building #architecture #world #trade #center #Hyatt #Xinyi #Taipei