

\ A new #book tha...

\ A new #book that gives a voice to #migrant #workers and their stories of exploitation and abuse under #Taiwan's private #broker system was launched a

t a press conference in #Taipei on Saturday.\

\ Hundreds of peo...

\ Hundreds of people took to the streets of #Taipei on Sunday, calling for #Taiwan's major political parties to help abolish the current #employment br

okerage for #migrant #workers.\ #broker #MENT #TIWA\

\ A coalition of ...

\ A coalition of #migrant #rights groups rallied in #Taipei Tuesday, calling on the government to abolish the #broker system to free migrant workers fr

om exploitation by manpower agencies.\ #migrantworkers #Taiwan #TIWA #MENT\

\ 今天在超市發現新商品!!!\ ...

\ 今天在超市發現新商品!!!\ 原本只有罐頭包裝Dongwon鮪魚,居然出了袋裝,還請了最強代言人仲基?\ 有三個口味,專門給大家吃泡麵配的,害我今天買回家一直好想吃泡麵??\ \ #dongwon #참치 #마트 #라면 #동원 \ #koreanfood #seoul\ #韓國泡麵 #

broker #進出口貿易\

\ #곡물그대로21 \ 分享一...

\ #곡물그대로21 \ 分享一個韓國小廠牌出的零食⬇⬇⬇\ #榖物棒21\ 添加了21種純榖物製作成的餅乾,吃起來一點甜甜的,也不油膩,好喜翻?\ 感覺就健康又可以解嘴饞?\ \ #Seoul #Korea #韓国お菓子\ #snack #과자 #韓國零食\ #export #impo

rt #輸出 #輸入\ #進出口貿易 #broker #taiwan #Japan #business #대만 #대만과자\ #ソウル在住\

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ℎ 在2020年最後的尾聲, 願身邊的每一位都能身體健康平安, 在這邊也祝福大家聖誕節快

樂 / 今年真的是很特別, 換了新工作、接觸了新同事,從來沒想過自己會踏入壽險業,也很慶幸在職場上遇到溫暖且有愛的主管、同事們,希望大家、與自己在未來的道路上, 能夠持續在壽險業發光發熱。 (年末應該替自己打一下感想才對) - #instasize #taiwan #taichung #taichungtravels #taichungfood #vsco #vscocam #photogrid #photography #2020 #winter #friday #cafe #december #ootd #travel #instagram #foodie #happiness #vacation #relax #life #lifestyle #work #insurance #broker #merrychristmas #jinglebells #聖誕節快樂

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剪完頭髮如同回到人間 #haircut #reborn #hair #short #asain #c

ute #handsome #asiaboy #suit #insuance #broker #insurancebroker #ximen #summer #hot

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Working hard. 工作忙也還是要來刷個存在感 #broker

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Work work work work work #bus #kaoshung #suit #life

insurance #broker

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趕工...簡報 #workhard #lecturers #broker #agent
