【商業快訊學英文】\ ? COVI...
【商業快訊學英文】\ ? COVID-19 死亡數 美國未來恐達25萬\ 疫情升溫,仍要認真學英文\ ⛅️ 為努力的你道聲早安!\ \ ? The global coronavirus death toll topped 42,000 as President Trump said the U.S.
could have nearly a quarter of a million deaths from the pandemic\ over time.\ \ 全球的冠狀病毒死亡人數高達4萬2千人。川普表示隨著時間,大流行恐將在美國造成25萬人死亡\ \ over time 隨時間過去,同義詞是 gradually 逐漸地\ overtime 則是指比賽「超時」,工作「加班」,如 working overtime\ \ ? The U.S. could face 100,000 to 240,000 deaths from coronavirus, White House officials said, even with social-distancing measures.\ \ 白宮官員表示即使在保持社交距離的措施之下,冠狀病毒仍可能導致10萬至24萬美國人死亡\ \ social-distancing 保持社交距離\ measure 措施\ \ ? The new coronavirus pandemic is amplifying gains for businesses that cater to customers online, while businesses reliant on more traditional models fight for survival.\ \ 新型冠狀病毒大流行擴大了以網路服務客戶的事業盈利,依賴傳統模式的事業則掙扎求生\ \ amplify 擴大、放大,擴音器則是叫 amplifier\ cater 迎合、滿足 catering 則是指餐飲業\ reliant 依賴\ \ ? U.S. hospitals braced for an influx of patients, setting up temporary wards, recruiting health-care workers from retirement and medical schools and finding ways to reuse masks.\ \ 美國的醫院都在為大量湧入的病人做準備,設置臨時病房,招募退休的和仍在醫學院的醫護人員,並找尋重複使用口罩的方法\ \ brace 準備\ influx 湧入、匯集\ ward 病房,牢房\ health-care 健康照護、醫療照護\ \ ? Quiz\ Here are some ____ to prevent coronavirus: wearing masks, washing your hands often, and ____.\ 以下幾點是預防冠狀病毒的措施:戴口罩、勤洗手、保持社交距離\ \ A. methods, social-isolation\ B. measurements, social-distance\ C. measures, social-distancing\ D. Marvel Heroes, superpowers\ ?♀️?♂️?♀️?♂\ \ 現在就輸入\ 浩爾專屬優惠碼「HOWSJ」\ 一天一杯咖啡價,訂閱 #華爾街日報?\ 每天一篇,掌握全球脈動!\ ➡️ https://events.storm.mg/member/HOWSJ/ \ \ 讀完報再加入\ 每週二晚間上線的 #線上商英讀書會?\ 由浩爾帶領導讀,練習英文口說\ 現在就填表獲得最新通知!\ ➡️ https://forms.gle/wHNspct959ikwg9t9\ \ #設計問題也是一大樂趣XDDD\ #快點連結訂閱日報優惠碼只限四月\ #更期待和大家在線上讀書會見面!