"I don't have a friend to workout with" "I don't ha
ve a personal trainer" "I don't have money" All these excuses are commonly used as to why we don't achieve our fitness goals. However that's what they all are.... Excuses. The only thing YOU need is YOU. The only thing that is stopping YOU is YOU. “我沒朋友陪我練” “我沒有私人教練” “我沒有錢” 這些都是很普遍的藉口。其實你唯一需要的東西就是“自己”。唯一擋住你的東西就是“自己”。 Youtube (頻道):Cobracamp Facebook:Cobracamp Photographer:@ivolizette #cobra #cobracamp #cobracampers #fitnessyoutuber #motivation #selfmotivation #believe #achieve #itstartswithyou #juststart #calisthenics #teamap #動機 #教練 #鍛煉 #超過 #徒手 #健美 #背哥 #粗哥 #大哥 #teamtaiger #黑人 #台灣 #堅持